Hello Favs& Welcome!

February 27, 2024

Self- Empowerment

I want to first thank you for being apart of my new journey in life! I would like to introduce you to a new and improved version of who you use to know. Don’t get me wrong, I still am the same girl, with just some improvements. Everyone has room for growth, and when I say that, I mean me too. How can I leave myself out? I am not perfect, and we all are human. Most may know me already, but if you are new here HEY HEY HEY. I am Jazmyhn, the one who has such a bomb personality and so easy to get along with.

But anyways, back to the beginning. Welcome to the official launch of You To You Self-Empowerment. I have worked so hard on making this the best and most useful source you have for self-development. As I am thinking and coming up with many tools and resources to help you with your self-growth, I am taking it one day at a time, and I want you to come along with me as I do so to make the best out of this. I will always take into consideration your recommendations, your opinions, and things you may need in this lifetime that I can possibly provide and have no idea you are needing, I am here to encourage you, motivate you, and help you understand that you are a priority and I will never allow you to give up on yourself. If you need anything from me, I am just an email away for you to stay in contact with me. I am available on all social media platforms such as Instagram (@youtoyouaffirmations & @thejazmyhncatlin), TikTok, Snapchat, or even Facebook which I’m hardly on. As always, I am here for yall.

I really appreciate you all for taking the time to explore my new website! I hope you understand the importance of self-empowerment, self-improvement, and self-love. If not, that’s exactly why you are in the right place. Stay tuned for many more blogs, and don’t forget to sign up for emails so you can recieve all updates, reminders and uplifting messages.

Note: I will refer to you majority of the time as “Favs” because you truly are my favorite people!